
I study race, identity, and inequalities to produce knowledge that can lead to social change. I view teaching accordingly: as a way to help students exercise the critical thinking needed to tackle persistent social inequalities. My teaching focuses on the application of sociological theories to real-world circumstances.

I believe in helping students take ownership of their own learning. I use a system of ungrading that requires students to engage in regular self-reflection throughout the class, consider their own learning, and ultimately propose their own grades. This process allows students to engage with materials more deeply and consider how class concepts apply to their lives. I incorporate them not only due to my ungrading practice but to more effectively teach difficult topics such as race and racism.

I often teach on topics considered difficult and intimidating and acknowledge this difficulty openly with students. While setting up class expectations, we discuss how learning often takes us outside of our comfort zones. I strive to prioritize students’ humanity and create a welcoming classroom environment conducive to learning.

wide stone path leading into shady forested area, two small figures can be seen in the distance.

Instructor of Record

Sociology 101: Social Problems and Policies (Summer 2023)

Sociology 335: Race and Ethnic Relations (Fall 2020, Summer 2021)

Teaching Assistant

Sociology 335: Race and Ethnic Relations (Fall 2018, 2019)

Sociology 325: Criminology (Spring 2019)

Sociology 101: Medicine in America (Spring 2020)

image of blue sky with scattered clouds and tree tops

Selected Workshops

“Panel in Arts, Activism, and Research,” Indiana University Asian Culture Center (2023)

“Asian American Identity, Activism, and Civic Engagement,” Indiana University Asian Culture Center, Annual Retreat (2022)

“Visual Methodologies and Arts-Based Research,” Indiana University School of Education (2022)

“Race, Representation, and Art,” Indiana University Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity, Coffee Hour (2020)